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Digital Approaches in Cartographic Heritage: Hague 7-8 April 2011

Publicado en: April 8, 2011

Petr Pridal from Klokan Technologies was on 6th International Workshop of Digital Approaches in Cartographic Heritage in Hague, 2011.

Progress of OldMapsOnline project done for Moravian Library and Temap were presented together with review of other Georeferencer pilots including information about used technology.

Slides are available at: https://www.slideshare.net/klokan/cartoheritage-2011-georeferencer-maprank-search-7603115?from_search=4 and https://www.slideshare.net/klokan/cartoheritage-2011-georeferencer-maprank-search-7603115?from_search=24
